Tuesday 11 October 2011

Chapter 3 - On Globalizing HRIS: Part 1

In week 4, I had learned few HRIS models from this topic. The models that I had learned from Lecturer are Multinational Model, Global Model, International Model and Transnational HRIS.
The first model that I would like to share is Multinational Model. The organizations that use this model are concern about the local and religion difference when they are managing the HRIS. It is because people around this world have different cultural; therefore, they understanding toward certain organization operation will be different.
The second model is Global Model. The organizations that use this model are managing the HRIS by using a standard system of the organization. It is mean that the organization have their own independent system to manage their organization that are standard in all the division around the whole place in this world.
The next model is International Model. In this model, the organization is concern about the knowledge sharing to local organization. The examples of knowledge that adapt by the organization to local organization are such as expertise, product, service, and knowledge.
The last model is Transnational Model which are the combinations of three models from above. The organization that used this model is having a independent network. Besides that, it also concern to the local needs and sharing their knowledge in the organization.

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