Tuesday 11 October 2011

Chapter 1 - The Web and Key Trends Changing Human Resources

In the first week and second week, I had learned the key trends that changing human resource and the historical evolution of HRM and HRIS. Basically, the historical evolution of HRM is related to the key trends that changing the human resource which changing the human resource from caretaker to strategic partner. Let us see the stages of it evolution.
In the stages of Pre-world War II, personnel of HR only involved in clerical record keeping of employee information. Besides that, labor welfare and administration departments were set up to record health, safety, work hours and payroll. In this time, there is no computer technology to record keeping the information.
The second stage is Post-World War II, employees is believed are motivated by social and psychological factors. Furthermore, compensation programs also been designed and trade unions started formed by the employees. The data of job analysis and classification data were inserted to the computer. Nest, personnel department used computer to billing and inventory control. However, record keeping was still done manually.
The next stage is social Issue era, the terms of personnel department start change to human resource department. Follow by the born of field on human resource management. Computer technology also starts used by HR department to process employees’ information.
Next is Cost-effectiveness era which force HR department to created technology that more powerful and cheaper. One of the systems that are cheaper is computer-based HR system that changes the transactional activities to transformational activities.
At the last stage are Technological Advancement Era and the Emergence of Strategic HRM. In this stage, the increase use of technology had added value to the organization. Furthermore, it had led to emergence of the HR department as strategic partner.
Why HRIS is needed? Nowadays, markets become more complex and more dynamic. Human cannot control the entire operation of the business effectively due to the complexity and changeability of the markets. Therefore, information system is become important to help and support the business to function more effectively. Besides that, information system also helps organization to become more competitive in the markets.
HRIS is very important to organization because is provide many benefits to the organization. The main application of HRIS is it can store the information or data of the each employee’s. Using HRIS allow employee to view their performance. Besides that, it also allows employees to view the information of their sick leave, attendance and so no. Furthermore, employer also can effectively keep track of their employees’ needs, and fulfill their employees’ needs.

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