Sunday 18 December 2011

Performance Management System

In one organization, even the employees had attended the training to develop themselves with knowledge, skills and ability, but how we know that the employee is competent or not? Can we measure the desire and expected performance of the employees and identify the performance of the employees? Therefore, that is why the reason of performance management system is exists to help an organization to measure the performance of the employees.
            Before that, we should understand what is the different between performance, performance management, and performance management system? There are a lot of people confuse about this three terms. According to Skrivastava (2005), performance is a behavior or action that taken by one’s to perform or respond to specific problem so the problem can be solved. In the other hand, performance management is a systematic process of measuring the employees in an organization and develops certain employees in order to achieve the goals of the organization (Johnson, 2009). The last one is performance management system which also measures the employees’ performance by using the technology such as system in computer.
            In my opinion, performance management is important is very important because the employees that have low performance will affect the productivity of the organization. If the employee is not competent enough, he or she should be send to the training and develop his or her skill, knowledge and ability. The performance management system can helps an organization a lot because can easily identify the performance of employees in more accurate statistical information.
            Performance management has five stages. The five stages are plan, monitor, develop, review, and reward. In the first stage, organization has to plan the goal and the result that expected from the employees. The second stage is monitoring the performance of the employee by giving feedback to the employee in two way communication. The next stage is reviewing the overall performance of the employees in rate the employees. At last, employees that has good performance should be rewarded such as monetary, non-monetary or recognition.
(335 Words)
Johnson, R. L. , Penny, J. A. , and Gordon, B. (2009). Assessing Performance: Designing,
Scoring, and Validating Performance Tasks. Guilford Press: New York.

Skrivastava, D. K. (2005). Strategies for Performance Management. Excel Books: New

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