Sunday 18 December 2011

Web-Based Technology and Employee Learning and Development (ELD)

With the existing of employee Learning and Development (ELD) systems, the function of managing human resource training and development will become more effective and efficient. Why organizations have to focus on ELD? The reason is very simple because an organization successful is depends on employees. The employees play an important role in an organization.
The used of ELD system is to plan the training to the employees while observe the employee training, career development and the performance of the employees in the organization. In addition, it also can analyze the career development needed among the employee. Besides that, after the performance of the employees had been observed, a suitable training program can be recommended to employees through ELD system. Furthermore, the success of the program also can be identify and analyze through the ELD system.
In my opinion, HRIS helps a lot in managing employee learning and development. Every organization has to use this system so that our country will become more competent. As we know, there are a lot of foreign organizations that play the role of competitive force to our local organization. Therefore, our local organization must always develop employee more effective by using ELD system.
However, not every employee will become asset to an organization. Most of them will become burden or liability if employees do not competent enough in perform their job. Therefore, ELD play an important role to develop an improve employees skills and knowledge to perform better in their job. ELD is important to the ongoing success of every organization. According to the article of “Winning Leadership Solutions”, employees are the organization competitive advantage. Employees can develop their skills and competencies to enhance their performance for their organization .
In the real working life situation, every multinational organization needs to have ELD system to become more effective. It is because ELD have brought a lot of advantages to an organization. The first advantages that it brings to the organization are it allows employee can easily access their information. Its mean that every employee can know the information about them that related to the training. In the other hand, it also not costly because all the data are using computer system that can easily change and update the information without wasting material such as paper-based if compare to previous HR function.
Nowadays, many employees do not know how to use computer. This is the common problem that face by most of the company. If the employees are force using computer to check their information, they will learn better and improve their computer skills. In my previous experience, I worked as part timer in a watches shop. I realize that many of the employees do not know how to use the computer even the simple software. Therefore, it cost a lot of trouble to the organization because the workers are not efficient enough to perform the job that related to the computer.
(486 Words)

Winning Leadership Solutions: Employee Training and Development
          Retrieve on December 17, 2011 from

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